Hidey Cat

Leah called me to our spare bedroom to see what Mollie was doing.

I missed the funnier situation in which only her tail was visible.

It was even funnier a few days ago when Leah couldn’t find Mollie. She looked everywhere she could think, including under the bed to see if the cloth covering on the bottom of the box springs was hanging too low. Mollie has found a way to actually get inside the box springs. I walked a little further into the bedroom and found her hiding behind the decorative pillows.

But now we know her hiding place, so she’s going to have to look for another.

2 thoughts on “Hidey Cat

  1. Robin — There are times when Leah is convinced that she must have gotten out of the house. We look all over for her. Eventually she comes walking casually down the hall, asking us where we have been.

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