The mouth that roared

Mollie doesn’t roar. She barely makes a sound. Leah was taking some photos of Mollie lying in the sun in a chair in our “office” when Mollie yawned wide.

Mollie is doing OK, but Sylvester is not. We brought him back from the vet’s office last week with instructions to squirt some liquid medicine into his mouth and not let him outside for at least two weeks. Nothing easier than squirting medicine into a cat’s mouth, right? The first few times I tried I got most of it on Sylvester’s chest and Leah’s hands. I eventually got the hang of it.

Unfortunately, Sylvester did not get the hang of peeing in a litter box. That was bad enough, but he was having some difficulties associated with the final portion of his digestive tract. Look back a little in the preceding sentence to find out where that was.

Anyway, the results of his difficulties could be seen on our floors. It was simply not going to work, so on Tuesday we took him back to the vet’s and assigned that task for her and her assistants to deal with it until, we hope, everything is back to normal.

Assuming that Sylvester actually recovers all the associated capabilities he needs to be an inside cat, he will be well enough to assume his role as an outside cat, coming inside only to eat and maybe take a short nap. And then we will not have to follow him with a mop.

2 thoughts on “The mouth that roared

  1. I hope the vet can get Sylvester stabilized and back to his old self again. Thank you for keeping us posted, been thinking of you all and hoping for the best.

  2. Robin — As my latest post says, Sylvester is back, and apparently back to his old self, a little worse for wear.

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