Mollie’s feet

A few days ago Leah noticed that Mollie seemed to be holding up her right front foot a lot, so she decided we needed to take her to the vet on Monday. The vet found that her toes were infected again (Mollie’s toes, not the vet’s). We didn’t even think about it, but almost a year ago to the day we took her in and the vet found that her toes were infected.

The examination included having her assistant hold Mollie firmly, and then squeezing Mollie’s little toes hard to make pus come out. Mollie communicated to everyone that she did not enjoy that procedure, although her feet probably felt better afterwards.

After Mollie got an antibiotic shot, we were on our way home, with instructions not to let Mollie go outside for the duration, which might be as long as a couple of months, since she had symptoms through June last year.

Mollie had not wanted to get into her carrier when we took her to the vet, but after we got back home, that’s where she wanted to be.

She went in and out a couple of times, passing by the door and staring wistfully at the door lever.

Fortunately Mollie has not mastered the doorknob principle. Sylvester knew that trick at our old house, but apparently has not passed on that knowledge to our other cats.

She stayed in the carrier for a while.

She went into our bathroom later in the evening, probably because of the heated floor, but sometime during the morning jumped on our bed and settled down next to Leah. I think she was feeling better.

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