Skies in October

I have several shots of the eastern sky from October that I have neglected to post, so here they are.

This one is from one of the places where we often get to see a wide swath of sky in the late afternoon — the store where we buy our groceries.

The next is a faint rainbow that appeared in rain that was moving slowly from the direction of town towards us. It is actually within the small valley between our part of the mountain and the next ridge over.

I think I know where the end of the rainbow hit the ground on the right. I might try to find the pot of gold if our neighbor hasn’t already absconded.

I’m not positive I haven’t already posted this one, but it’s nice, so if so, here it is again.

We don’t usually get up before the sun rises, but for some reason I did at least once last week.

I like the gradient between the deep red at the horizon and the deep blue up higher in the sky. A bright star would still have been visible up there, if one had happened to be up at that time.

I actually got up way before dawn last Sunday because I had to drive up to North Carolina, but I’ll leave that for later.

3 thoughts on “Skies in October

  1. Love seeing the skies there. So beautiful. Very cool that you got a photo of the whole rainbow like that. Yes, go look for that pot of gold. I’ve tried but haven’t found it yet. And that photo of crepuscular rays is wonderful.

  2. Robin — The rainbow was pretty neat. No gold as far as I know. The rain that caused the rainbow eventually crossed our front yard.

    Paul — We are retired, so we don’t get up early. I have always been kind of a night owl, so I go to be later than Leah. Since the sun is rising later, we still get to see it now. Back when I was working I often saw the sunrise. It was some kind of compensation for having to get up earlier than I really wanted to.

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