After the storm

Up here on the mountain we have had very little rain for almost a month. The air has been very hot and humid. Walking the dogs down to the end of the driveway is enough to soak my shirt with sweat. But we have watched on the radar as strong storms surround us but generally do not give us any rain. Last Saturday a strong storm moved across town. It was visible from our front porch, but we got no rain. After the storm, the clouds were dramatic and colorful.

These formations look almost like cumulus mammatus (although some of them might, in the imaginations of some people, look like another anatomical feature). I am not certain they would qualify as cumulus mammatus because their size seems somewhat small for that. This image was taken with my iPhone.

I took this image with my Olympus camera.

Both of these images were taken towards the east, with the setting sun illuminating the underside of the storm clouds. The sunset light reflected from the clouds gave the whole world a warm, golden glow.

I grabbed a radar image off my phone to show what seems to happen to us these days.

A strong storm was moving slowly towards us, but it split, kind of like the Red Sea, and passed us by to the north and south. The pushpin shows the location of our house. We got a slight drizzle, hardly enough to dampen the ground.

The same weather app shows an 80-percent chance of rain for Thursday, the day Saturday. But we’ve seen those percentages change as the date approaches.

2 thoughts on “After the storm

  1. I hope you get some rain there. You do have beautiful skies. We are back in foggy cloudy mode. I check the weather forecast, and they always get it wrong. I wait for the sun, and then whoops… it’s a no-show!

  2. Robin — I love watching the sky from our front porch, although it can be discouraging to watch rain fall all around us but stay completely dry.

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