Morning sky

Leah called me out to the deck Saturday morning to see the sky. This is the way a cold front made its entrance.



This is a panorama made from three shots. Click to enlarge the view.

Saturday was the coldest day of this season. The temperatures were not terrible, but the wind made it very unpleasant to be outside. Saturday night we are supposed to have the first below-freezing low of the season.

Zoe is still missing. Leah is worried that he’s out there somewhere, cold and hurting because he hasn’t had his pain pills. Unfortunately, I think it’s more likely that an animal got him. We’ll probably put an ad in the local paper, but we don’t expect much from it.


4 thoughts on “Morning sky

  1. Very dramatic panorama, Mark! Saturday was the coldest day so far this season in the northern Piedmont, with cold, soaking rain all day–pretty miserable. When I awoke this morning (Sunday) to sunshine, I heard on the radio that Columbia, SC got 2″ of snow overnight (earliest snow ever recorded), and that Great Smoky Mountains NP got a foot!

    Poor Zoe. I know what you mean about a cat not being the most rewarding companion but how a person can get attached anyway. We had an all-but-feral cat in the house with us for over two years and still missed her when she died.

    Kali pulled some weeds out of the flower bed in front of our house and left them in a heap on the stone patio, right outside the front door. A few days later, there was coyote scat on top of the pile. They’re brazen.

  2. Oh, no. Just read of Zoe’s disappearance. I’m so sorry and will hold out hope that someone has taken her in, however unlikely that may seem.

  3. Scott — Thanks. Zoe’s disappearance is really getting to Leah.

    Robin — I was happy to learn about Photoshop Elements’ ability to do panoramas. I like those wide shots.

    Minnie — We just don’t know what happened. Everything we can think of seems unlikely.

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