Friday Felines

Sylvester likes the cat scratching station/playhouse we got for Zoe. Zoe is too big to fit into the tube. It’s really a little too small for Sly, too, but he likes to relax there for a little while, especially when he’s high.

Sylvester in the tube

Sly is high

He just got finished hitting the catnip, so he’s ready for a nap. You can see some of the catnip around the base.

4 thoughts on “Friday Felines

  1. Our big cat, Doppler, goes into a frenzy when she gets catnip; it’s scary–you just have to stand back and watch. Our petite cat, Maxine, eats the stuff, then just zones out.

  2. Most of the time the three cats that come inside, Zoe, Sylvester and Smokey, get drowsy from the catnip, but occasionally one of them goes wild. He’ll run around for a short time, and then lie down on the catnip he scattered.

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