Friday Felines

Our first little stray cat Chloe has come with us on our evening dog walks for a long time. Sylvester has been running along with us for a while, too. He’s always entertaining. And now Zoe has started walking with us. This is a fairly typical scene for cats on a walk.

Cats on a walk

Cats on a walk

Zoe is kind of out of shape. He’s the only one of the cats that pants.

Zoe panting

Zoe panting

You can hear him. It’s kind of funny in a way, and kind of sad, too. We think he might be training for race walking, because his gait is pretty funny. Mark says he’s doing a steam engine impression — choo-choo-choo. At least he’s trying. He seems to have a better disposition now. He’s on arthritis medication and something for his kitty IBS (lots of throwing up and diarrhea in the not-too-distant past; he feels better and so do we). He’s also on some expensive glaucoma medication, but we don’t think he actually feels any better because of it.

Once back at the house, it takes him a while to recover.

This floor is cool

This floor is cool