The fox is still with us

… and still not using its left leg.

Last weekend we saw a fox in the back yard. Since our fox started limping, we had become used to having her run at the sight of one of us, or the sound of Zeke barking. But this one sat down and watched me. I went back in and got a camera.

Our fox, acting like old times

Our fox, acting like old times

I took a few shots, and then the fox laid down and rested for a while.

The fox at rest

The fox at rest

It seemed content to watch me as long as I watched it. I eventually went back inside, and eventually the fox left. Later we saw a fox eating from the catfood dish in the driveway. I opened the door, and it looked up warily. It was acting more cautious, like we have become used to. So I pretty much convinced myself that the fox in the back was a different one, probably the mate. But when I opened the picture to edit it tonight, I realized that the fox in the back yard was not putting its weight on its left foot. If you look back at the first image, you can see that the left foot is folded under, and the left leg is being held at an awkward angle. So this is the injured fox, after all.

The good news is that she’s still with us. The first post about the injured fox was in late April, so she has held on for more than a month using only three legs.

Zeke escaped off the deck Saturday night and chased the fox around. He came back to the driveway after a while, but took off again barking. A few minutes later I heard the fox barking in the distance. I think the fox is still able to make a fool of Zeke, even with only three legs.

One thought on “The fox is still with us

  1. It’s great to see such stamina and resilience in a wild animal. No vet visits, they just carry on as best they can. She’s a survivor. I wish her the very best in a long and healthy future.

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