Opposite ends

Leah said it was snowing at home on Saturday. It was not snowing where I was.

Sunbathers and a few surfers at Seal Beach

Sunbathers and a few surfers at Seal Beach

I was in Seal Beach, California. I walked the two miles from the hotel to the beach. For some reason I expected it to be deserted, but, after all, it was Saturday, 80 degrees and partly cloudy. There were lots of people out. A few were even surfing.

Surfing at Seal Beach

Surfing at Seal Beach

The surf was not really up. There was a long wait and a short ride.

I’ll have a small amount of work to do on Sunday, probably some time in the early evening. And then on Monday, work begins in earnest. If we’re lucky, it will be 10- to 12-hour days from Monday till Friday. And no visits to the beach.

3 thoughts on “Opposite ends

  1. I was wondering if anyone would notice. You wouldn’t believe how many times I had to throw my camera up into the air and catch it before I got those pictures.

    Of course some towns along the coast have piers. I’ll have to check out that the next time.

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