Friday felines

The cats have been training for diving competitions. Since they don’t like water, they usually choose the bed. No, they don’t dive onto the bed, they practice while sleeping on the bed.

A perfect 10

A perfect 10

This is the closed pike position. Her form is quite good. I am not sure what the correct placement is for the tail, but this looks right. On the other hand, Zoe is a little sloppy.

A 6, to be generous

A 6, to be generous

This apparently was intended to be the pike in the open position, but it fails on multiple counts. Maybe sleeping on the sofa threw his timing off.

Zeus sneaks in

Zeus sneaks in

This is our late doberman, Zeus. For the purposes of this post, he has been made an honorary feline. I think he was actually practicing his cannonball.

2 thoughts on “Friday felines

  1. That’s a great summation of a very endearing trait. It does cover both wings of the carnivores.

  2. They really do look like divers. Our collies never curled up tight – I don’t think they have the body for it, but my mom’s Dalmatian manages to curl up much like Zeus. Further, she hates being cold and likes to have someone cover her with a blanket once she is all curled up!

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