Friday Felines

The cats are expert sleepers. Zoe can sleep anywhere, and usually does.

Zoe asleep in the living room. Beware the teeth.

Sylvester doesn’t want to be disturbed. And please turn the lights off when you leave.

Sylvester on our bed, lights out

Chloe used to sleep in the house, but not so much any more, since we got Sylvester and Smokey. She could really relax.

Chloe laid out downstairs, away from the crowds

Dusty never sleeps inside, but he can find some unusual places outside.

We left this tub outside and Dusty found it agreeable for a nap



4 thoughts on “Friday Felines

  1. That’s quite a cast. If my count is right, we have the same number of characters (now).

    And yes, cats do know how to sleep profoundly.

  2. One of our seven is really feral. He sneaks in and out and retreats when he sees one of us. Sometimes he sits a few yards away and watches, but he won’t let even my wife, the true cat lover, get close.

  3. Quite funny how differently each of the cats sleeps. I have friends who have several cats and have noticed much the same.

  4. I’ve never understood why they like to sleep in such odd positions. But our dog does that sometimes, so it’s not just a cat thing.

    On the other hand, I’ve never seen myself while asleep, so maybe I do it, too.

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