About us

“Us” is Leah and Mark. We live in a house on a mountain overlooking Rome, Georgia, USA. In addition to us there is currently our dog, Zeke; our cat, Zoe (otherwise known as the Spawn of Satan); Lucy, the miniature pinscher we inherited from Mark’s mother; and five stray cats. Other animals rotate in and out as they are abandoned in the area and we find them homes. Mark is in the process of retiring after working for years in Huntsville, Alabama, while Leah wrangles animals all the livelong day. Oh, and she’s a domestic goddess, too.

The Cast introduces the animals currently living with us, and one who is no longer.

7 thoughts on “About us

  1. Mr. Paris,
    I read your comments from last year regarding your father’s service with the 104th Infantry Division. If you would like to contact me, I will share with you the information I have in regards to the division and 413th Cannon Company.

    Webmaster/104th Infantry Division WWII

  2. I love the cross stitch of the Clock Tower.
    Do you know if this was from a pattern or just freehanded?

    I would love to have the pattern.

  3. Patricia– The Clock Tower cross stitch was done by my late aunt. I think she gave it to my parents many years ago. I think I remember a date on it, but when I went to look for it, I realized that I had given it to my cousin, her daughter. I don’t know whether she used a pattern or not. I wish I could help.

    Patricia — I talked to my cousin today (March 11, 2020), and she thinks the cross stitch did, indeed come from a pattern. She is not sure she can find it, but she said she will look for it.

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