Speaking of dogs

Our new dog Zoe is very vocal. She makes a lot of fierce noises when she and Sam play. I shot this a few days ago on one of our regular walks. Listen for the snap from Sam biting at her.

She also tries to talk to us. I have tried several times to get a good recording but she seems kind of camera shy. I couldn’t get my phone ready fast enough to get her best vocalizations. These were the best I could do.

Did you noticed the disgusted grunt she made after she sniffed my feet, just before lying down?

2 thoughts on “Speaking of dogs

  1. Robin — Zoe sounds like she’s trying to tell us something. We can’t figure out exactly what, but it probably has something to do with one of three things. She may need to go out to relieve herself, she may be hungry (a good bet, since she’s always hungry), or she may just be bored. We need a gymnasium so we can throw a tennis ball for her to chase. I can’t do it outside because I still don’t trust her off the leash.

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