Thursday sunset crepuscular rays

A quick grab with my phone camera caught this sunset Thursday evening as we drove home from picking up some prescriptions.


This type of photo is hard to get right because of the high contrast. The phone did a reasonable job, but it had trouble capturing the shadows of the some of the clouds.

We drove up to the top of the mountain hoping to get a better view, but the sun was setting along the ridge, so it was pretty much hidden. The clouds were gone by then anyway.

I think we could get a better view of the sunset if we went down into Texas Valley. Maybe we’ll try that one day.

2 thoughts on “Thursday sunset crepuscular rays

  1. I think your phone did a good job capturing those rays. I’ve tried getting sky shots with our iPhone, and they never look as clear as this. Nice skies!

  2. Robin — The phone actually does a pretty good job most of the time, but you have to make sure you take the kind of shot it does well. It’s a pretty wide lens, which is often pretty good for sky shots, but not always.

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