
When I walked the dogs down the Texas Valley side of Fouche Gap on Tuesday, something just above the road cut caught my eye. At first it looked like a larger-than-normal CD hanging in the brush. It was an almost perfectly round spider web. I tried to take a picture with my phone, but it was too far away. I went back on Wednesday with a camera. I didn’t find the same web, but I found others.

two webs


Here are two more.

two other websThey are backlit by the morning sun. The circumferential strands catch the light just like the concentric rings of a CD. Here’s a closer shot.

web closerOur camera has a long zoom lens, but I was too shaky to get a really well-focused shot at a longer zoom. This is about the best I could do. I think that’s the spider in the center.

They were really cool to see, but I would hate to wrap one around my face if I were walking through the woods.




5 thoughts on “Webs

  1. Nice images, Mark. I’ve tried to photograph orb webs in the past and have had difficulty doing so; you succeeded magnificently.

  2. One of the advantages of wearing glasses is that it at least protects my eyes from these things when I’m walking in the woods. And it’s cool to see the pattern of the web on my glasses later. (I try not to think of where the spider might have gone.)

  3. Scott — Thanks. I guess they turned out OK but I think if I could have gotten closer they might have been better.

    Robin — They fascinate me every time I see them.

    Ridger — Yes, they would have been nice if they had been dewey, but it was a little too late in the morning, and they were under the forest canopy anyway.

    Pablo — They’re crawling in your hair right now!

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