Snug …

I have mentioned before that we are keeping Lucy in a crate at night and also when we’re not at home. We and she are fortunate that she actually likes it. She spends most of every evening in it, unless she’s cruising for cat food in the kitchen, or pestering us for human food.


When she lived with my mother, every night at bedtime she raced into my mother’s bedroom and jumped up onto my mother’s bed. Then she burrowed under the covers.

lucy in mother's bed

This was when my mother was staying at an assisted living facility. We bought some fleece-lined steps so Lucy could get onto my mother’s bed without jumping.

When we brought Lucy to our house, we got her a bed that let her get into it like a sleeping bag.

lucy in her bag

Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit into her crate. We have to use fleece blankets and towels for her bedding. But Lucy is persistent. She has managed to find a way to burrow under the covers.

Going ...

Going …

Going ...

Going …



That’s her ear sticking up towards the back of the crate.

We have since found a large mattress cover that gives her lots of possibilities for burrowing.

3 thoughts on “Snug …

  1. My dog Flike has a crate and he rearranges the blankets in it. Still, he prefers sleeping in bed with us when we let him.

  2. Robin — I think she does feel safe in her crate. We draped blankets and towels over the outside to make it more den-like.

    Pablo — Lucy sometimes slept with my mother, but a lot of the time she jumped off and slept in her own bed. We think maybe they had shoving matches and Lucy lost. She’s not allowed on our bed, and neither is Zeke. Only cats.

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