Friday Felines

I love oysters raw or cooked. I found some called Daufuski the other day and decided to have oysters on a cracker with cocktail sauce for lunch. They were so delicious that Smokey came and sat next to me.

"I smell oysters."

“I smell oysters.”

So I gave him some. I don’t think he enjoyed them as much as I did, but he ate them.

"Mmmmm …"

“Mmmmm …”

Zeke can always tell when food is being handed out, but he didn’t get any that day.

"Doesn't the dog get any?"

“Doesn’t the dog get any?”

Oysters are just for me and the cat. None for the dog or Mark (Mark won’t eat them anyway.)

3 thoughts on “Friday Felines

  1. Roger likes oysters too. Me not so much. We used to find them on the beach up on the Olympic Peninsula. Lately he’s been buying local oysters at the Farmers Market. I wonder if dogs would eat oysters naturally, or if Smokey’s interest sparked Zeke’s?

  2. Good for you (and Smokey), Leah! I don’t particularly like oysters, but I’ll eat them if they’re offered to me.

    I do love sardines–in fact, I love them so much that our cats don’t even get a chance to determine if they’d like them because they’re mine…all mine!

    Sorry to report that we had to euthanize our older (17 year old) cat Doppler yesterday. She’d been scheduled for surgery yesterday morning, but before I could even take her to the vet for the operation she developed a blood clot that lodged in the arteries serving her hind legs, effectively cutting off blood flow to her hindquarters. There was nothing that could be done for her, and it was pitiful–a really bad scene. I’ll post about it next week when I’m more composed.

  3. Robin — Zeke would probably eat oysters, but Lucy would almost certainly eat them. She eats almost everything without even knowing what it is.

    Scott — Mark and I are very sorry to hear about Doppler. It’s hard to lose an animal after so long. Neither of us has had a pet that lived that long.

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