Friday Felines

Zoe has always liked to play patty cake. Sometimes he does it from behind a door. This time he was in one of the kitchen chairs.

gimme five

He looks like he’s giving me five down low.

8 thoughts on “Friday Felines

  1. He isn’t very playful most of the time He’s a Grouch! He also likes to play with a ping pong ball. Thanks..;.

  2. Certainly one of the more endearing traits of cats, even thought it might be predatory.

    Our newest kitten, Colon, who is just about a year old now, contains to covet a toy my sister sent to me (him). It’s a cloth snail, basically a cylindrical gray cylinder with a thin pink sail representing the shell, I suppose. The sail has cellophane in it.

    Colon will join me in the bathroom when I start my shower, and then run out to get the toy before I’m out of the shower. He wants it thrown, and he retrieves it and brings it back for more. If it lands upstairs where he hasn’t seen it land, he’ll hunt until he finds it. He’ll do this even until he’s panting with the effort. It’s really quite charming lol. We’ve had just one other cat, out of 35 (over 35 years, so obviously mostly deceased), who displayed this behavior for an extended time. I’m determined to keep Colon in this mode, so I play with him several times each day. We’ll see.

    • Hey Wayne,

      That is so funny! Sometimes Smokey will get a wild hair up his butt and start running and playing with several cat nip toys and a ping pong ball. He literally will jump off the floor into mid air…

  3. I’m logged on with Safari now; let’s see if it makes any difference in my ability to post a comment.

  4. Wayne, Leah wanted to know where Colon’s name comes from. I assumed there would be an accent on the last syllable, making it Spanish.

  5. HA! No, and it’s not internal anatomy either. The back of each of his white ears (he’s a tuxedo cat) has in its center a prominent black dot about the size of a pea.

    Plus, his original name conferred by a fifteen year old was Willie, and we just couldn’t go with that.

    Here’s from last September:

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