
Scott has been having problems commenting on this blog. I’m not sure what might be going on. I successfully commented here without logging in, but I’m not sure that necessarily proves anything. Has anyone else had problems?

5 thoughts on “Comments?

  1. I have not had any problems. Here’s what I’ve noticed lately though. On a very regular basis I clear the history and delete all the cookies on my computer. That usually means logging back into all my favorite sites. Interestingly, I don’t have to re-fill in my email, name, and website on any WordPress sites. I type a first letter and it automatically fills in. Mmmm. I can’t figure out where that information is stored. It makes me wonder, though, if Scott has a more powerful cookie blocker that interferes with his comments.

  2. Per Robin’s comment, I don’t clean out my cookies. Just had to fill out the name/address once and it’s stuck since then. In a moment I’ll press send.


  3. Let me try putting in another email address, Leah and Mark, to see if WordPress will allow me to post a comment.

  4. The only problem I seem to have consistently is coming up with a comment that is clever or insightful or humorous enuf to post.

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