Friday Felines

We get the cats summer cuts when the weather starts getting warm. Here are Smokey and Zoe before their cuts.

Smokey and Zoe, all hairy

Smokey and Zoe, all hairy

Here’s Zoe after.

Zoe, crewcut

Zoe, crewcut

And here’s Smokey after his cut.

Smokey, with cut and lion mane and tail

Smokey, with cut and lion mane and tail

You can’t really see the mane unless you look from above.

Big-headed Smokey

Big-headed Smokey

Poor Smokey has been sneaking around in a crouch since he got back from the groomer. It was a traumatic experience for him.

Zoe has a pot belly you can see when his fur is cut, and so does Smokey. You can’t see Smokey’s in these pictures. That’s a concession to his self esteem. We think he’s embarrassed to be seen without his regular coat.

Sylvester also got a cut, but we don’t have a good before and after for him. He’s staying outside more now, so it’s hard to get him to pose.




Another dog find

It was raining on Sunday when I took the dogs out for their last walk of the day. It was around 10 pm, and dark on the downhill side of the house, despite the floodlights on the corners. Fortunately, Zeke alerted again and I didn’t step on this fellow.

Salamander? Newt?

Salamander? Newt?

I think it’s either a salamander or a newt, but I don’t know enough about them to determine which. It was about five inches long. At first I thought it was a huge slug because I couldn’t see the legs. I have never seen one of these anywhere near our house. I’m not sure where he spends his days, or hides out during dry weather. Zeke also has not seen one of these, so he had to bark at him to let him know who was boss.

Of course I didn’t have my camera with me, but the salamander/newt stayed close to where I first saw him long enough for me to get the dog back inside and go back out with a camera.  I shined the flashlight on him and took a bunch of photos, but this was the only one that was even close to in focus. It was so dark I couldn’t see him in the finder without using the flashlight. That’s what happens sometimes with the point-and-shoot, but I didn’t want to take our SLR out in the rain. That was a good decision, because I managed to drop the camera.

I don’t usually use the flashlight when I walk the dogs through this area because it’s fairly easy walking, but now I’m going to have to use it to avoid stepping on this fellow or any of his friends.

Friday Felines

Our first little stray cat Chloe has come with us on our evening dog walks for a long time. Sylvester has been running along with us for a while, too. He’s always entertaining. And now Zoe has started walking with us. This is a fairly typical scene for cats on a walk.

Cats on a walk

Cats on a walk

Zoe is kind of out of shape. He’s the only one of the cats that pants.

Zoe panting

Zoe panting

You can hear him. It’s kind of funny in a way, and kind of sad, too. We think he might be training for race walking, because his gait is pretty funny. Mark says he’s doing a steam engine impression — choo-choo-choo. At least he’s trying. He seems to have a better disposition now. He’s on arthritis medication and something for his kitty IBS (lots of throwing up and diarrhea in the not-too-distant past; he feels better and so do we). He’s also on some expensive glaucoma medication, but we don’t think he actually feels any better because of it.

Once back at the house, it takes him a while to recover.

This floor is cool

This floor is cool



Dogs have a thing for peanut butter.

Lucy with her Lucy-sized peanut butter bong

Lucy with her Lucy-sized peanut butter bong

Zeke and his Zeke-sized peanut butter bong

Zeke and his Zeke-sized peanut butter bong

We make them work for it. It’s messy work, but they seem to like it. It’s pretty much the only work they do, except for barking at foxes.

Of course dogs like a lot of things. Like chicken, fish, hamburger, bacon, steak, steak fat, baked potatoes, french fries, bread, apples, not oranges, not to mention treats made specifically for dogs. And they like ice cream. A lot. And it turns out that they like marshmallows a lot, too. We found that out when Leah bought a bag of giant marshmallows — each one is a meal! The dogs gather around with an expectant, imploring look, which is usually enough for me to pull a little bit of mallow out of my mouth and give it to them.

But cats and marshmallows? Never.

Smokey tries a marshmallow

Smokey tries a marshmallow

Well, OK, maybe one little taste. With Zeke watching and hoping that he doesn’t like it.

Actually, he didn’t like it all that much. More for me and the dogs!


The fox is still with us

… and still not using its left leg.

Last weekend we saw a fox in the back yard. Since our fox started limping, we had become used to having her run at the sight of one of us, or the sound of Zeke barking. But this one sat down and watched me. I went back in and got a camera.

Our fox, acting like old times

Our fox, acting like old times

I took a few shots, and then the fox laid down and rested for a while.

The fox at rest

The fox at rest

It seemed content to watch me as long as I watched it. I eventually went back inside, and eventually the fox left. Later we saw a fox eating from the catfood dish in the driveway. I opened the door, and it looked up warily. It was acting more cautious, like we have become used to. So I pretty much convinced myself that the fox in the back was a different one, probably the mate. But when I opened the picture to edit it tonight, I realized that the fox in the back yard was not putting its weight on its left foot. If you look back at the first image, you can see that the left foot is folded under, and the left leg is being held at an awkward angle. So this is the injured fox, after all.

The good news is that she’s still with us. The first post about the injured fox was in late April, so she has held on for more than a month using only three legs.

Zeke escaped off the deck Saturday night and chased the fox around. He came back to the driveway after a while, but took off again barking. A few minutes later I heard the fox barking in the distance. I think the fox is still able to make a fool of Zeke, even with only three legs.