Why did the crawfish cross the road?

It seems that I am taking a lot of fog pictures lately. It was very foggy again this morning when I walked Zeke down Fouche Gap Road into Texas Valley. I liked the way the trees in the neighbor’s front yard marched away into invisibility.

Fading into the fog

Fading into the fog

It was not a quiet walk. With the recent rain, there was a lot of water running off the mountain, which made a constant rushing sound everywhere. Lavender Mountain is not a large mountain, so there are no large streams, but there are a lot of small ones. Most are dry most of the time. Only a few are anything near perennial.

As I expected, there was no fog at the bottom of the mountain. In the 20 or 30 minutes it took to reach the bottom of the mountain and come back up, the fog had disappeared up at the top as well. These trees had been shrouded in fog a little while before.

Lichen-covered trees

Lichen-covered trees

There are few cars on Fouche Gap Road, and I have never met another walker. But today I had a surprise.

Keep your distance, hub

“Keep your distance, bub!”

He (she?) was close to four inches long, stretched to full length. Why does a crawfish (crayfish, crawdad) cross the road? Maybe to get from the uphill side to the downhill side where the water was. I have no idea why he was on the uphill side in the first place. He was about two feet into the road, but he wasn’t making much progress, so I helped him along to avoid a crawfish pancake in the middle of the road. He was not appreciative at the time, but I fully expect him to save my life at some future date.

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